Weather Forecast and Snow Conditions in Poland
Weather or not your stay in polish mountains will be a success depends largely upon weather conditions. The old gorals (i.e. mountaineers) say that the Winter is here for 10 months and the rest is the Summer. However, it may not be as optimistic as they say.
The climat in Zakopane and the Tatra Mountains is determined by their geographic posision in the Central Europe (where dominate west winds carring masses of cold air) and by the area relief.
Because of the latter, if you hike in the Tatra Mountains, you may experience all four seasons in one day from Summer to Winter.

Current weather in Zakopane City
Current weather in Zieleniec
Current weather in Białka Tatrzańska
Current Weather in Szklarska Poręba
Current weather in Szczyrk
Current weather in Karpacz